We Are A Community Where Food Heals

We teach children the correlation between self-esteem and nutrition while providing nutrient-rich meals.

Our Mission

educate - engage

Heal with Meals Inc. focuses on wellness and the social justice issue of malnutrition in food deserted areas in East Tennessee. By providing children with the knowledge of nutrient-rich meals and self-esteem, we can help build a healthier generation, both mentally and physically!
our story


why it matters

Millions of teens suffer from issues related to self-esteem when there are many beneficial ways to help this. One of the best is putting together a proper diet and making healthy choices! Studies show that over 70% of people who switch to a healthier diet experience boosts in self-esteem!

take part


We host several events a month! Come join us at a fundraiser where you can help raise awareness or if you are short on time, a donation goes a long way!
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